IELTS Reading Exam Tips

IELTS Reading Test and Time Management Tips to Succeed

In the IELTS exam venue, tired after attempting the listening module, stressed about pending documentation, and futuristic thoughts clouding your mind, make the reading section tougher than it is.

Reading section gives a hard time to many candidates and one of the significant reasons behind it is insufficient practice and non-existent strategy.

The IELTS reading test, though incorporating short questions, is capable of declining one’s confidence by the ticking time limitation. PTE services provide you with a real-time exam environment to assess your performance and refine your strategies as we mutually design them as per your convenience.

What Is The Format For IELTS Reading Test?

The reading test is 60 minutes long. You have 3 paragraphs to read and 40 questions to tackle. With the exact strategy and trained practice, you can attempt at least as many as 30 questions correctly, which is enough to obtain band 7.

Do I Have To Attempt All The Questions?

It’s completely your decision but, there is no negative marking for IELTS questions so feel free to attempt every question even if you are not sure of its correctness. If your luck plays well you might get the correct answer.

How To Manage Time In IELTS Reading Test?

There is not a secret mantra for time management, you learn it with practice and experience. Still, certain tips can help you save your valuable time, and let you utilize it in the questions that can bring score.

•          Don’t focus too much on troublesome questions

Do not waste your time on difficult questions, solve the easy ones first, and if time permits you can always go back to tough ones.

•          Have strategic division of time

In your head you should be clear of how much time you intend to invest in the over-all structure of the module, for example, time in the reading section can be divided into:

1.        Reading

2.        Answering

3.        Rechecking

Ideally, time can be divided into 15 minutes for reading, 40 minutes for answering, and 5 minutes for rechecking. That gives you only one minute per question. You shouldn’t waste even a little over one minute on any question.

•          Read Questions First, Text Later

Glancing at questions first will give you an upper hand in saving time. Our brain is trained to understand a text faster if it has some idea about it and to pick up that idea, read questions first, and then go to the text.

•          Order of reading paragraph

Time is of the essence. Don’t go into detailed reading of a text. Skim through paragraph by first heading to the introduction, it will give you a comprehensive motive of the text, then directly read the conclusion to confirm the motive and when it is done, read the body.

•          Underline what’s important

Your practice before examination and glancing through questions will let you know what type of answers to look for. While skimming through paragraphs underline these important words, names, places, time, and numerical details, so when you answer, you can easily search through underlined words instead of the whole paragraph.

These expert tips for IELTS reading test and time management give results after practice. Sharpen your reading and interpreting skills by investing 2-3 hours a day and solving ample tests to chart your improvement.

At PTE, we train you through tests of varied difficulty modes and give you instant feedback for rigorous performance growth to excel in your band score. For more details, schedule a call with our experts today.

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