TEF Preparation Tips

Complete Overview on TEF (Test d’Evaluation de Francais) and Tips on TEF Preparation

TEF is recognized by diverse French-speaking countries to test candidate’s proficiency in French. The level obtained on the TEF test is used for purposes including immigration, study, and work in countries like Switzerland, France, and Canada. TEF test is not only the international benchmark to evaluate aspirant’s French skills but it also allows to use those skills in chasing international dreams.

TEF test measure score in 6 levels (A1 to C2) as implied by Common European Reference of Languages (CEFR). Level A1 means primary competency while level C2 is the most proficient.

TEF test consists of five tests including oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral expression, written expression, vocabulary and syntax. Although attempting all these tests may not be necessary. Tests which you will attempt depends on the country and your goal.


The format of TEF is fairly complicated and must be practiced before attempting the real exam.

Written comprehension (MCQ based)Assess the candidate’s ability to understand written content.5060
Oral comprehension (MCQ based)Examine candidate’s language interpretation by listening to the French audio.6040
Oral expressionEvaluate the ability of the candidate to make a conversationSection A Section BA – 5 min B – 10 min
Written expressionTest the ability of the candidate to convey himself in French by writing.Section A Section B60
Vocabulary and Syntax (MCQ based)Inspect the capability of the candidate to use French vocabulary and grammar suitably and accurately.4030

How to Prepare for TEF?

For all that we know so far, TEF evaluates one’s ability to tackle diverse French skills in a time-bound and complicated manner. Preparation prior the test is very much required. Preparation does not always have to be intensely profound. Having said that, following some doable tips work finely depending upon your grasping power and speed. Let’s check them out one by one!

1.     Know the Format

It is a first and foremost tip and skipping it will affect your preparation altogether. Get to know format as if today’s the test day so there’s absolutely no room for surprises. And more importantly, now you know what to expect. When

2.     Practice Sample Papers

Practicing has no alternative. Either you do it or don’t, there’s no in-between.When you solve sample papers, you not only know what TEF is about but also know where you stand in this test and whether it’s your cup of tea or not.

3.     Find Mentor

Mentor is a person whose experience of the test can benefit you in cracking TEF.  A right mentor, who has been through this whole process can lead and guide you in achieving your goals. Not only mentors can give a very detailed insight into what to expect but also how to tackle it.

4.     Out of the Box Learning

Tedious practice and a pile of books can lure you into thinking that TEF is a burden you need to get rid of quickly. It does not have to be like that. You can make this whole process organic and enjoyable if you have reached a certain level of understanding of French. Listening to French podcasts, songs, watching French movies, and even reading books can help you have a better grasp of French.

The above-mentioned tips will surely help you in strategic planning of your TEF preparation. Make the best use of it with additional tips and tricks from PTE experts. For more information on the best TEF training course in Dubai, contact our PTE consultants.

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