Why to Choose IELTS over PTE

IELTS vs PTE, which one to choose?

IELTS and PTE are English competence exams. Both costs somewhat the same fees, and both are accepted in institutions worldwide. What then creates a dilemma in choosing between the two? What do they differ in? Which one is easier?

In this blog, we have tried our best to answer all your doubts. We have also attempted to put a finger on issues that need to be addressed. So, let’s cut to the chase, IELTS vs PTE.

1. Speaking Module differences

PTE conducts a speaking section in the same examination Centre as other modules. It is carried out through the in-built microphone of a computer. Whereas, IELTS has a speaking section carried out in a different room with an invigilator who evaluates your speaking abilities ‘face-to-face’.

Now many people may think that ‘microphone thing’ is better. Mainly because it does not involve an actual examiner staring at you. However, evaluation through the microphone has backfired many times

Sound quality plays a major role here, and PTE cares little if you mention a poor microphone quality after the test.

PTE adds strict time limitations in the speaking module, making it tedious. IELTS too has time limitations, but gives more comfort. IELTS offers privacy and not in the same room, along with the background noise of other test takers, like in PTE. Note the difference.

If you still find it more convenient with a microphone and are ready to take a fall if it does not work properly, then you may opt for PTE.

2. Choice of Mode of Examination

IELTS offers both writing and typing tests. PTE however is a completely online-based exam.

If writing on paper is your forte, then don’t go for PTE.

3. Cost differences

PTE and IELTS both charge the same fees, which are $375. The difference is PTE charges an extra $20 if you book a test within 48 hours before the test date. IELTS does not charge any late fees.

If you are in a rush and $20 is a big deal for you, then going for IELTS is the best option.

4. Second chances

PTE offers no second chances whatsoever. In all the modules of writing, reading, listening, you can only move forward through the questions. In speaking, you have only one shot to record. There is no going back once you submit them.

IELTS candidates can go back to previously left questions of the same module. If time permits in a given section, then you can navigate back and attempt.

5. Are You Migrating?

If your purpose of attempting an English proficiency test is migration, then IELTS offers an IELTS general test. It is easier than both IELTS academic and PTE.

Having IELTS general in options is the greatest advantage. If the immigrational purpose is your only concern, then IELTS general makes it simple altogether.

6. Writing for IELTS

IELTS writing is a tough module. It is not going to be a cakewalk for a candidate with moderate grammar and vocabulary skills.

For this practice is the only way. With practice, if you can improve your writing skills, then IELTS might be the one for you. If not, Proficient training for English (PTE) is an institute, irrespective of your choice from IELTS vs PTE, which offers a relatively smooth way for the writing section.

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